“In His Quiver Hath He Hid Me”
A true armorbearer can enjoy a long wait until the chosen time that they go forth in a leadership capacity. The “quiver experience” is difficult for many armorbearers, especially if they feel they have already taken the necessary steps of preparation to be elevated into leadership. Those who have endured bitter experiences successfully and have responded correctly to their calling, their word, their preparation, their time of hiding under God’s hand, and their polishing may ask, “Why the waiting period now?” This is a time when the armorbearer learns patience. Because of this important lesson, the quiver is no less a place of preparation than the sanding block. The importance of the quiver experience lies not in the external, but the internal. This is almost always the hardest test for any armorbearer of the Lord, but each must realize that God’s timing is perfect.
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. Galatians 4:4
The Lord Jesus was sent forth “in the fullness of time.” Jesus came to earth at the perfect moment in history. This arrow, Christ, had been waiting at least four thousand years to be sent forth. But Jesus, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, waited patiently for the “fullness of time” in which He would be made known to the world.
David was destined to be a king of Israel. He was anointed to be king when he was about seventeen years of age, but he did not take the throne until he was thirty. David had to wait in the quiver for thirteen years. Several times, David could have killed Saul to gain the throne by natural means, but the Lord gave him the grace to know that He would open the throne to David in His own time.
David chose to wait for God’s timing, not man’s or his own. Every armorbearer has a special season set aside by God in which they must hide in the quiver. Their ministry will only be revealed at His appointed time. Temptation and pressure will come to every armorbearer, both from without and within, urging him to run ahead of God’s timing, but God’s armorbearer must take great care to avoid tampering with the perfect timing of the Lord. There is no set age for the release of an armorbearer. There is no set pattern for an armorbearer to follow regarding release into ministry. The time and manner of release is different for every armorbearer. This is why no armorbearer should compare themselves to another. Each should wait patiently for the timing of the Lord, for He is the only perfect marksman.
Those armorbearers who have an idea that God will use them further in ministry, like Joshua, David, or Elisha, should serve their Moses, Saul, or Elijah as if it were the last thing on earth God wanted them to do. What you do to help bolster the ministry of another person now will open the door for your own ministry in the future.
A true armorbearer can enjoy a long wait until the chosen time that they go forth in a leadership capacity. The “quiver experience” is difficult for many armorbearers, especially if they feel they have already taken the necessary steps of preparation to be elevated into leadership. Those who have endured bitter experiences successfully and have responded correctly to their calling, their word, their preparation, their time of hiding under God’s hand, and their polishing may ask, “Why the waiting period now?” This is a time when the armorbearer learns patience. Because of this important lesson, the quiver is no less a place of preparation than the sanding block. The importance of the quiver experience lies not in the external, but the internal. This is almost always the hardest test for any armorbearer of the Lord, but each must realize that God’s timing is perfect.
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. Galatians 4:4
The Lord Jesus was sent forth “in the fullness of time.” Jesus came to earth at the perfect moment in history. This arrow, Christ, had been waiting at least four thousand years to be sent forth. But Jesus, the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, waited patiently for the “fullness of time” in which He would be made known to the world.
David was destined to be a king of Israel. He was anointed to be king when he was about seventeen years of age, but he did not take the throne until he was thirty. David had to wait in the quiver for thirteen years. Several times, David could have killed Saul to gain the throne by natural means, but the Lord gave him the grace to know that He would open the throne to David in His own time.
David chose to wait for God’s timing, not man’s or his own. Every armorbearer has a special season set aside by God in which they must hide in the quiver. Their ministry will only be revealed at His appointed time. Temptation and pressure will come to every armorbearer, both from without and within, urging him to run ahead of God’s timing, but God’s armorbearer must take great care to avoid tampering with the perfect timing of the Lord. There is no set age for the release of an armorbearer. There is no set pattern for an armorbearer to follow regarding release into ministry. The time and manner of release is different for every armorbearer. This is why no armorbearer should compare themselves to another. Each should wait patiently for the timing of the Lord, for He is the only perfect marksman.
Those armorbearers who have an idea that God will use them further in ministry, like Joshua, David, or Elisha, should serve their Moses, Saul, or Elijah as if it were the last thing on earth God wanted them to do. What you do to help bolster the ministry of another person now will open the door for your own ministry in the future.
I find your throughts on this subject to be very helpful.I find in this day and time that everybody want to be serve and not serve. I was call to serve and never known that this ability was in me until i look up one day and relize that i was had already working in it. Thanks for the info